I tell you this: Do not worry about your life. Matthew 6:25

Hello @Jenny Amen! Today, no matter what challenge you’re encountering, do not be afraid, stand firm and go forward. You have come too far to back down and quit. Trust God, as He is the omnipotent One. God will guide you continually So Don’t be anxious about anything God is your strength and power. For God promised to repay two blessings for each of your troubles.

Hello @Jenny Amen! When Christ gives us a particular calling to fulfill, he emphatically does not promise that it will come easy. In fact, it is often precisely the opposite. Difficult obstacles emerge to confirm the genuineness of our calling. The breakthrough will come not in retreat, but in enduring under trial with faith in God’s promises. We may even swell in hope as obstacles increase, anticipating that the breakthrough we need may be near at hand.

Amen to this, @Jenny. Let us leave all the worry and doubt that seeps through our mind. God will always be guiding us every step of the way. Let us not fear on what is to come tomorrow, but fear in the Lord and continue believing in Him. We should do our part in becoming a disciple of Christ and spreading His goodness. God wants what is best for us and we should follow His path.