If you tell me you were once a christian but not anymore, the truth is you were never one in the first place, because a True CHRISTIAN remains a christian

If you tell me you were once a christian but not anymore, the truth is you were never one in the first place, because a True CHRISTIAN remains a christian.

Janice Calacal

Not really. Some do get lost. Lose their faith due to circumstances of life or succumbing to temptation or their weaknesses or their desires… these were once Christians. The Bible calls them, "They once believed."Bottom line, we can’t say that they were never Christians because that alienates them even more far away from the body of Christ. By saying they were never Christians, we are actually being insensitive to their pain and struggles and weaknesses which led them to fall, there by failing our mandate as Christians to pick them up, encourage them and help them back to the light. By saying that they were never Christians we also run a risk of pushing them over the edge of self condemnation, want we don’t want is for our fallen brothers n sisters to ever think that they can’t repent n be forgiven, we can’t let them think that they never knew or loved God, we can’t let them think that they are evil n can’t be forgiven… When we say that they were never Christians, we are actually doing more damage than we can even comprehend.It actually breaks my heart to hear such a statement because I understand the mystery behind people backsliding or losing faith, and I understand those who fall from the faith ought to be loved and treated with delicacy, compassion, care, like you would a little child

Active Life Transformation

Thats not truth because the bible talks about if your brother departs from the faith and one converts him. Let them know that he that converts one sinner from the error of his way. He has saved a soul from hell and has covered a multitude from sin

Michael St Louis

Fact!! If you’re eyes were opened to the Truth it’s difficult for me to imagine wanting to go back into darkness

Larry Garber

Maybe take a different approach if they tell you that. Try encouraging their faith instead of telling them your feelings. Use it as a opportunity to give your testimony what God has done for you.

Jody Kaser Couch

One can backslide,the bible said in the latter days,many shall depart from the truth so I.dont agree with you

Stainless Akunne

I dunno Judas was a follower of Christ. Satan still got to him

Sarah Midd