If you think you’re a Christian and still do anything you want, the Bible has some information you may want read and understand

If you think you’re a Christian and still do anything you want, the Bible has some information you may want read and understand.

Bryan Hunt

Word of God is perfect

Jambo Loba

Please read Matthew 7 again. Only this time try starting at verse 15. That way you learn the truth of whom Jesus is actually talking about.Jesus is not saying there will be believers who say Lord Lord, but He is saying the false prophets will do tha… See more

Kenneth J. Schonmeier

OP is a serious misinterpretation of the scriptures. Believers who have accepted Jesus as their savior cannot lose their salvation. The new covenant with Jesus replaces the old covenant that was based on laws that God’s people could NEVER follow. Al… See more

Richard Armstrong

Father in heaven I pray for your grace and merciful love that you have mercy on us and allow us to see your beautiful face at the end of my journey here on earth. Amen

Doris Gregoire

fatherGod forgive me for all my sins I’m sorry I ask in Jesus name amen

Jay Heath

My prayer is to turn from this world and turn to my Lord God and pray He hears me.

Kerry Snelling