If you walk with God, you will always reach your destination

If you walk with God, you will always reach your destination.


Yes! We should go hand in hand with God throughout our journey. The journey we will take with him is unpredictable and only He knows our future. We should go through this journey with self love, care for others, and strong faith in Him. God knows what we are capable of! Do not be afraid. Do your thing and everything will follow.


Hello, dear @SaltandLight
This is always a good message to remember, with God leading us through the path of good, we will always find glory. I have always thought that another part of it, is that when difficult times comes, God is the one who takes care of us and pushes us to keep going! Almost like carrying us.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

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Indeed! God is the way. Life is actually very hard, but what made it easy for us is Christ. He walked with us every step of the journey.

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Whatever road we take, may it be smooth or rough, easy or scary, dangerous and uncomfortable, as long as God is with us, we will get to our destination. No matter how long and hard it takes, we will surely reach the end of our journey. We cannot choose whatever life throws at us along the way, we will get hurt, weak, and we cannot control our situation but as long as God is holding our hands, we should not be afraid. Do not fear cause He will never leave us. He will never forsake us and we will always be safe with Him. Always trust His plans.

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Hello @SaltandLight =) as we are travelers in this world God used to be/ or must be our compass to successfully reach our destination. Since we are alien or not a real citizen of this world God will teaches us what we’ll going to do in everyday life’s situation. How will us know if we are in the correct path? Just read the bible. Bible is our to do list/ Guide book =)

Our God is a powerful one. We may rest with the fact that whatever comes our way, nothing will let us slip off our Savior’s hands—no matter how hard and disheartening the situations may be. The kingdom of the Lord is never really in trouble even under circumstances that we cannot seem to understand at first.