Is God’s forgiveness once off; or perpertually continuous

Is God’s forgiveness once off; or perpertually continuous
?? Bcz the spirit says of the new covenant “I will remember their sins No More”…

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Thank you Jesus Amen

Kathy Queen

God says: 70 x 70 times to forgive… Then God may do same which means if we seek forgiveness he will give to us his mercy.

Susan Murphy

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 NIV
The original translation of this word purify is written in the present continual tense. So His blood will continually cleanse you of all sin.

Bez Bezuidenhout

But That Doesn’t Mean The Lord Want Us To Continue Sinning.

Morline Bell

Repentance is a lifelong process, not a one time occurrence. The Lord’s forgiveness follows true repentance. His forgiveness is through his grace because He loves us.

Bryan Gibby

Depends on how serious you are about God and sinning. God punish those who sin deliberately. There is no use for Jesus dying on the cross if we as Christian keep on leading a sinful life, especially if we have received the truth about it. Please read the whole of Hebrews 10 and concentrate on verses 26-31. Might help clear thing up for you.

Karel Prins

The forgiveness of God was a one time event, as Jesus, the perfect, spotless Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world died for us! It fulfilled the requirements of one sacrifice that would apply to ALL who would repent - for as long as mankind is on the Earth. And, in Jesus’s sacrifice is an endless supply (for lack of a better word) of forgiveness of all who would call upon Jesus’s name in a heartfelt repentance. Christians are NOT considered to be those who never sin after their initial day they get born again. Otherwise, 1 John 1:9 (“If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just - to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”) would not to written to believers. So, if & when we do sin (not as a lifestyle), there is ALWAYS forgiveness for our sins. Jesus, said, “7 × 70 times forgive”. That comes out to about every few minutes in our waking day. God is abundantly full of grace and the Word says, “His mercies are new every morning.” He is willing to overly pardon all of our sins. What sins He is concerned about ~ are those that we refuse to confess, for He says that He will pardon all of our sins, which we ask Him to forgive us for. Then, what is the unpardonable sin?? It is sin that we adamantly REFUSE to confess to Him! It is when anyone sets themselves to deny God the opportunity to forgive. Not a place that anyone would EVER want to place themselves before God!!! Keep a tender heart before Him and stay low! When we go low, He takes us higher!

Al Videc