Is it possible to share your faith to a person that you just met?

In the world today, what are the ways to evangelize to a person that you just met?
Can we share the good news with a total stranger, just like what Christ did to the Samaritan woman?

Someone did for me, so I saved^^

Yes of course! We can share the good news anywhere and everywhere.

yes, we can share. we cant choose the situation where and when we will share. especially when the Holy Spirit gives us the conviction to share our faith with others. The Holy Spirit will give us the power and boldness to share the gospel.

all we have to do is to be willing to be use and be the channel of the Lord’s love to other people.

God bless!!

Yes it is possible to just share the gospel to a new person that you just met.

In some of my case this usually happened when we moved in signs and wonders.

Like if the person that you just met, need healing so we offer to pray then in case that instant healing happened, automatically it is an open door for that person to received Jesus Christ as he/she is being curious of How he/she got healed.

Manifestation of gifts, signs and wonders must all point to Jesus!

Yes that is possible but be ready for their faith too.
I remember our conference because we have a activity where in we need to go outside and share our christian faith with the strangers. Some of them our listening and some of them are arguing . They says that the only religion will only save is theirs.
I handle this by listening to that person to show some respect but i take my stand also as a christian. I’m equip with Gods love so i handle that person as Gods Love me.