In the Bible, John the Baptist pointed to Jesus and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Christ is the Lamb of God. He’s our hope, our victory, our present healing. He even heals our past, and He’s the one who assures our future.
On the other hand, the Devil will do everything in his power to devour the influence of the Lamb. Sometimes he even imitates the voice of God. He’ll try to tell you there’s a secret flaw in your life that makes you unusable by God. He’ll take the words of God into his mouth and try to distort them and confuse you, to get you to a place where you’ll just sit in the wilderness all the rest of your life.
Today, I want to challenge you not to allow this enemy of righteousness to take away your promises, hope, or victory. It’s time to rise up. It’s time to believe God. It’s time to ask Jesus Christ to be everything to you.
It’s time to pray.
A true prophet will always points men to Christ and not to himself or someone else (false prophet pointing men to Antichrist in Revelation)