Let YOUR Light SHINE For him

Reflection from Nina Laird-Fusilli
We are all good at something. Let us use that ‘something’ to do some good.
However big or small, it does not matter.
What matters most is we can make a difference to at least one person.
Be the kind of individual that makes God proud!
You see He loves us anyway, no matter what.
But I would like to see a picture of something I did on my Lord’s refrigerator.
Just like I did when my kids were little. If they drew a picture.
Bam! On the fridge! A good grade on their test. You guessed it!
Now I am posting my beautiful grandkid’s creations on my cool canvas.
I don’t necessarily think God has a refrigerator. But I believe He has Heavenly pictures and videos for us to see someday.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to stand beside our Lord one day,and with pride
He shows us the things we did for Him?

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Amen! We have that light shining through our lives if our actions reflect the nature of Christ His love, compassion, and forgiveness. His light shines through our attitudes, words, and deeds. When people see that our lives have been changed so that we have Jesus’ values and see the power of God at work in us, they will agree that we do have a great Savior. When they see redeemed people, they are more inclined to believe that we have a Redeemer. The Christlike life is the platform on which individual testimony becomes convincing.

Hello, dear @Maya
Very nice reflection by Nina, as usual she has a very good way of thinking…
Regarding it, I believe sometimes we only name God our Father without really having a reflection about it… If we look to have our terrenal father proud, on the school, college, work, etc, let’s do the same for our Father in heavens, he’s already working for us all the time, let’s do the same for him. He wants us to be happy and be good, so let’s do it. For Father God!
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

Amen! Light not only exposes what is hidden in the darkness, but light shows the way out. In the same way, the light that shines from Christians shows people not only their shortcomings and their sins, but it shows them the way out, the way to Jesus Christ.You may be the only representative of Jesus Christ that your friends, your family, your coworkers, and your neighbors may ever meet. And they will evaluate the whole idea of Christianity on the basis of what they see in you. They will form an opinion about what they think about God based on you. So let your light shine.

Yes!! I love this, @Maya. I am all about self love. Each and every one of us are made with God’s own image and likeness. We all have our own little talents that we can share to the world. We have our own identity and personality which makes every person different. It is so amazing because God did this! I really pray for the people who do not have the confidence in showing their true selves and abilities. It is hard to love ourselves especially when we get lost in our thoughts but I believe that with God’s grace, we will overcome these insecurities. Own up to your insecurities because it will make you shine brighter than before. Accept everything and love your everything.
You are worth it. God bless.

Yes hello eveybody, I am good in Politicts and Warfare, since 23 may 1995 I work for God almighty holy bible, Stopping wars and equility,helping people and Earth, I talk a lot with Gaia mother Earth… I am single already 5 years, I do not miss a relation, I have God almighty from holy bible… He stands behind to the left right and in front of me, and protects me when I doing war for him, for Earth and the people how needs help… I helpt Etiopie after my requeest crie for planting trees Etiopie planted millions of trees directly, as on a landmass as great as the Netherlands