Making friends with God is well worth your time and effort

Let me share to you what i’ve read to “Lord I havent talked to You since the last crisis , but… by Lorraine Peterson”

Surrendering to Jesus is an exciting new start. Jesus has become your best friend, your infallible guide your constant comforter the giver of love joy and peace and the right way to go

the most worthy goal you could ever set for yourself is to get to know Him better and better

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Hello, dear @Jojoy
You are very correct! The most better thing we can do is have God in our minds and get to know him in a true way. We constantly are in a state of fight, on alarm mode, looking out for our backs in the world, the truth is that the only way of looking to the future and what’s in front of us without worrying so much is by accepting God and letting him guide us through incertanty.
With it we can be truly happy.
With that in mind, during this quarantine one of the best thing we can and should do is reconnect a lot more with God in our lives. I know I have. Have you?
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero

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hi @Luis_Ruiz i definitely agree with you, all we have to do in this covid situation is to reconnect with God, for us to be in peace and experience the true meaning of joy. we have all the time to reconnect to share God’s love and let us bring them/ introduce them to Jesus in all means.
also im glad that you already accepted Jesus as your personal savior. God bless you

@Jojoy I totally agree, accepting God as a friend is worth it. In John 15:13 Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” He is the only friend we can talk to that will give us clarity and love that our hearts long for.

Truly! For years I struggle because I do not have a friend to talk to whenever I’m down. I cry by myself at night thinking I was alone. But when I started opening up to God and telling Him how I feel, everything started to get better. The love I have longed for was just right there waiting for me. God was waiting for me to go to Him. It honestly changed my life.

Agree with this. I remember the song of Israel Houghton with title “Friend of GOD”.
I am a friend of God.
He calls me friend.