Matthew was a tax collector, much more used to dealing with money and dispensing it. Why was he not selected for this task?

Food for Thought: A short one.
Was watching one of my Jesus films today and a question came to me that I could not answer.
Judas was placed in charge of the funds of the disciples during Jesus’ ministry. My question is, Matthew was a tax collector, much more used to dealing with money and dispensing it. Why was he not selected for this task?
Would appreciate thoughts and any Scripture reference.
God bless you and may His grace shine upon you.

Allen Scott

Judas had the heart of greed, he was the one to sell Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver while the others loved Jesus more than anything else.

Rod Massey

Because the lord have a different thinking than ours! The kingdom of God is about humility and love one another! It’s not about who is scholar in the natural! What Judas did to the lord is meant to be forgiven!

Caridad B. Monroe

When I was in the professional ministry, I would often run across someone who was responsible for running the Sunday School program. Inevitably every fall, they would go out and ask “everybody” to be a teacher. They complained that even the teachers … See more

Jeffery Blakeley

The Lord put him there to teach us a lesson. How much of the money do u think he might have stolen. Maybe it was as simple as 1st come 1st given that honor. Perhaps Luke was better in another leadership role.

Kathy Logue