Memory Verses for Growing the Fruit of the Spirit! πŸ’—

It is 1 am here, it is my break time and I am on Pinterest scrolling to search for a new wallpaper and I found this. :yellow_heart: These verses will most definitely uplift me and guide me as I go on with my daily life. I know along the way I will meet people who are not on the same page as I am, have different levels of sensitivity, and people who are going through a lot in life. These verses will refreshen my mind and heart for me to be able to understand the people around me and at the same time help me grow as a person. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Growing fruit is discipleship. It is our call to grow beyond mere salvation, to continue in our sanctification, to enter into Christian perfection, to become a new creation. If we can become loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled people, then we will look like the image of God in as much fullness as humanly possible. We will become a people renewed in love. We will shed our flesh and put on the Spirit (Romans 8:1–11) and grow fruit that is juxtaposed to the things our physical bodies actually desire (Galatians 5:19–24). We will begin to look like Jesus and show the world a glimpse of redeemed and restored humanity. His fruit in us will change both us and the world.

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Hello, dear @kianna
How late I found this post of you! I love it. During these times on uncertainty the Bible is the best read we can do, as it helps us find meaning and knowledge on everything. It’s funny that such a old book, can have so many wise words that can be applied to today’s world. My favorite on the ones of your image is this verse: Kindness, Ephesians 4:32 β€œBe kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

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