My fellow Christians I was wondering if it is a sin or not to donate organs?

My fellow Christians I was wondering if it is a sin or not to donate organs? Seeing that in our faith blood plays a very significant role.

Anatii Makhosi

I’m donating my body to science when I die. I get a new body in heaven! I’m really into recycling. WWJD?

Suzanne Farmer

Don’t see anything wrong with it!!

Al Videc

Oh I get it you’re talking about literal body organs here’s what it is people, it’s like Taking you’re old beat up car to a car lot why would they want it? it’s old and worn out The bible says the soul that sinneth it shall die Ezekiel 18-20 psalm 6-5 … See more

Charles Connelly

Doing good to save lives is never sinful…

Koshie Rachen

I think it is a thoughtful thing to do, so I don’t believe it’s a sin. Our spirits go to be with the Lord when we die, and someday He will give us a glorified body.

Laura Diaz

It’s not our blood that brings salvation. It’s the shead blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us from all unrighteousness. We get a completely new body when we are resurrected from the dead. Donating organs or blood would be a way of giving, as Chris… See more

Sarah Carson