My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus

Reflection from Nina Laird-Fusilli

God is the great “I Am” not the “I was”, or the “I will be.”
His magnificence centers in the here and now.
We can take a cue from our flawless Father and not dwell upon the past failures, hurts, and regrets. Looking back on what happened will not change a single thing. But rather affect our present being negatively.

Also worrying about the future is not living in God’s best interest for His children.
This attitude of dread brings on a spirit of fear that will attach itself, never willing to let go.
The Bible says, “God has not given you a spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and a sound mind.”
The word of God also references the birds of the air and the Lillies of the field, they neither toil or spin (worry). Yet God takes care of them. How much more are we to God than these.
I do not know about you, but this truly gives me comfort to know my God is ever present and more than capable of handling all that concerns me.

“My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.” Alleluia!

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Christianity is not a religion, but it’s a personal relationship with the real God Who unconditionally loves you! God promises to supply all of your known and unknown needs, including spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, and personal needs. How can you learn to practically trust God and activate His provision to experience what He has promised you? As you follow and apply the steps of faith outlined in this teaching, you will begin to see God’s supply and provision show up in your life more and more!

Hello @Maya Yes amen! You are right. God does know what we need. God tells us in Matthew 6:8, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” But in the next verses he tells us to pray for our needs. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 God commands us to pray continually. That means to pray a lot! Prayer is God’s way for us to receive what we need from Him (Heb. 4:16). He tells us the reason we don’t have what we need is because we haven’t asked or because we are asking selfishly

@Maya thank you for this reminder this will really helps. reminding me that God is here, he knows what ive been through he knows everything and He will supply all of my needs. very comforting it gives me a peace of mind. God is our great provider, he takes care the fish the birds and all the animals here in this planet how much more as humans.