My problem with that is this: In the resurrection we will be like Jesus, because we’ll see Him as He is

Preterism holds that biblical Israel finds fulfillment in the Christian church at the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD70. Preterists say that all prophecy has been fulfilled. Yeshua returned and established His kingdom, heaven and earth have passed away. The kingdom is here, now, and evidently all the promises in the new covenant have been fulfilled. The resurrection of the saints is past. My problem with that is this:
In the resurrection we will be like Jesus, because we’ll see Him as He is.
We will be perfect and immortal. We won’t sin. We will never die. People won’t be given in marriage. There’ll be no sickness, no sadness. Everybody will know Yahwey and no one will need to be taught. Well none of that has happened. When I ask my preterist friends about that I don’t get a response. Is there a preterist out there who can explain this? Not judging, I love you guys!

Monty Wheeler

The Scripture says, The cross is the foolishness to those who are perishing, but To us who are being SAVED is the wisdom from God

Aron Mchizi

Pick up your Bible for the answers ,quit ask for man’s opinion. God bless you.

Ricky Cantu

I didn’t know there were any preterists. Never heard anything from anyone along those lines.Seems difficult to argue for.

Will Elliott