No longer do I feel afraid, When I lose my way

Poem from Nina Laird-Fusilli

How dare he try to strike me down,
He slyly whispers slander and lies.
Does he not know to whom I belong?
God always sees through his disguise.
The Lord rescues me,
I call out His name,
No longer do I feel afraid,
When I lose my way.
He is the Savior,
Who keeps me safe.
No valley deep,
Or mountain high,
is beyond His reach,
He hears my cry.
When I am down
And feel alone,
He calls me child,
Carries me home.

No matter what we go through, no matter what choices we make, God will always be there guiding us. Do not fear because the Lord is with you. God is capable of anything and we are too. Let us believe in ourselves and in what we can do. Nothing is impossible with God. Let us believe and trust in Him.

We, too, when led by God, do not see God’s face, but his back. Why is that? We cannot see his face, because we cannot see him coming. We see God’s back, because we see where he has been, and what he has done in the past. We do not anticipate, or second-guess God. It is only after long reflection that we are finally struck with what God has been doing all along. It has been my experience that God does not always point the way, but he leads the way. When I look back, I see those leadings. I hope you will, too.

God’s care for us defies limitations. He sent his son to earth to experience our joys and sorrows, happy moments and heartache. He understands the depth of our love, because He loves us even more than we can imagine. Matthew 7:11 says, “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Let’s be encouraged today by this promise. As we cry out to God with our cares, we will know He watches over every detail of our lives. What is important to us is important to God.