Over half of Protestant churchgoers failed to share the Gospel in the last 6 months

Christians are called to share the good news of salvation to non-believers. But should I say that over the time many Christians are lost in the works of the world rather than works of the kingdom which is to proclaim the Gospel? What could be some of the reasons why Christians do not preach the gospel? I am thinking of some reasons -

A. Maybe they aren’t really sure what does it mean to be a Christian - Should the church work on revisiting the meaning of what does it mean to be a Christian in today’s world?

B.(i) Maybe they know but not convicted in their hearts. As Paul says Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20.

(ii) Ignorance can be one another reason.

There could be other personal practical reasons as well.

Why do you think church goers fail to share gospel?

  1. Not every church goer has had the gospel shared with them. And many have not read it themselves.
  2. Not every church goer who HAS had the gospel shared with them is saved.
  3. Not every church goer who has had the Gospel shared with them, and is saved, has been told to share it themselves, or taught how to share it.

I agree with all of those possibilities.

I wanted to share the Gospel after I was saved, and was bubbling over with talk (constantly) about God and the Bible and Jesus and all, but wasn’t “sharing the Gospel”. When that calmed down and I wanted to share it myself, I started looking for role models. One of my favorite role models to help me with this is Ray Comfort, the primary open air preacher from Living Waters Ministry.

Videos designed to teach Biblical evangelism from Living Waters <=== click here to see a play list on You Tube you can scroll through and look at. All short videos, very instructive.

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Great resource, thank you for sharing!

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