At midnight, while Paul and Silas were in prison, they began to sing and praise the Lord. Suddenly there was a great earthquake and the very foundations of the prison were shaken. The prison doors were opened and their bonds were loosed. Not only were Paul and Silas set free, but by morning the jailer and his family had received Jesus as their Savior. If we grumble about the problems that surround us, we only empower them to remain the same. The breakthrough comes when we praise God in the midst of our circumstances. (Acts 16:25-32)
Father God, please forgive me when I complain when things aren’t going my way! Please remind me that it is you in control Father God not me! Thank you Father God for loving me in spite of my short comings! Amen.
dahil wla silang kasalankaya cla niligtasIbig sabihin f we worship And Praised the father ibHeaven We save all the tym
This is a temporary body we live in !! And guess WHO IS INSIDE WITH us YES THAT’S RIGHT THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE GOD HIMSELF !!! THE TRIUNE GOD