Please help me understand the reason there is a belief that when you die you go to Heaven then you come back with Jesus to rise from the dead to receive a new body to return back to Heaven

Please help me understand the reason there is a belief that when you die you go to Heaven then you come back with Jesus to rise from the dead to receive a new body to return back to Heaven.

Christy Pearson Hall

There is so much that has been taken out of Context. I’m not going to go through it. People must pray for wisdom and understanding before putting thing as their own translation. God’s says we not to add or take away from the words. because he will take… See more

Rosemary Lange

My understanding is this!We have a spirit, which starts at conception, and is eternal. Ar birth, we are born with rhe physical body. … See more

Jane Arrocha-Soderstrom

Stop judging and arguing. One day we are all judged. The bible is the truth God’s word is the truth. Stop putting things into your own heads. God help us.

Carol Juniper