Post your experience of when you came to the LORD

The silence is deafening when you ask people to share their testimony of when Jesus saved them. Let us flood Facebook with our testimony. Someone needs to hear it. Don’t just like this post or agree with me, post your experience of when you came to the LORD.

Steven Richardson

I was a new mom in a bad relationship. Broke up with my daughter’s father and moved in with my sister. During a 2am feeding, my sister got up and shared the Lord with me. I had heard her words many times before. But I shrugged her off. Still wanting to do life on my own. But this night, feeding my baby girl, feeling alone and scared, wondering how I was going to do this on my own, my heart was softened to hear the Truth. I gave my heart and my life to Jesus that night. May 27th, 1988. Two years later I married a man that I knew in high school. He has since told me that the day he met me way back in school, he knew he was going to be my husband. God told him he needed to be patient because He still had work to do in me. Boy that was the truth! I was far away from God at that time. We celebrated 31 years of marriage last month. Not all of them have been great. Some years have been downright dreadful. But God is faithful! Sustaining us through some tough times. And even pulling us away from the edge of the pit on a few occasions. He is my Rock. My firm foundation. That baby girl I held so many years ago now has two beautiful daughters of her own. She is married to a man who thinks the world of her and his babies. Spiritually, they are wandering. But I’m excited to see God answer my heart’s cry for their salvation. For whatever I ask in His name and according to His will, it shall. Be given. God bless!

April DeAndre

I posted mine lately.

Tholsee Reddy

Please watch out my book called “Testimony”will soon be released available on iTunes and Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Rodeline Williams

It was July 23 1995 when I have my heart to Jesus without reserve the choir had just gotten done singing So You Would Know my pastor had preached a message entitled ye have compassed this mountain long enough I remember this time everything stuck out to me letting me know if Jesus came I would not be going with Him my gross evil sin had made me an enemy of a loving God who loved me and that I was still a son of Satan when I saw my state of losslessness and saw God’s righteous standard I said Yes God I want you it was like He pushed me to the altar… I didn’t feel condemned but loved that He would take the time to love me enough to let me know you are going the wrong way to destruction… I did more than just accept Christ I received Him I took Him in He became my life… it was a life for life I was willing to crucify myself and die to gain the life of Christ … i had questioned why did I have to be adopted abused sexually from home to home then when I gave my heart to Jesus it was clear if I hadn’t passed through those things I don’t believe I would have given my heart to Jesus

Chris P Bacon

I don’t remember. I’ve always believed

Mary Farrar

Probably silent because there are many of us who came to Jeaus and gave our lives to him quietly and without much drama. So it feels like our testimony won’t be helpful to those who have hit their knees begging for salvation from drug addiction and other horrific activities. But I will post mine so that maybe the quietly saved will see the value in their testimony. I began my life young and in the Church. I Went to Sunday School, youth group and Church. I don’t remember a time that I didn’t believe in Jesus and that he loved me and had saved me. Has my life been easy… No of course not. I am human and have had problems throughout my life just as we all have. I have always believed in The Father and son Jesus. There were times I questioned if he was actually there for me in particular, during times of hardship when I prayed and felt no answers. I know now I wasn’t listening hard enough or not paying attention closely enough, that he had an answer, something else in mind for me that I did not yet understand. But as time continues to move on, I realized that yes he had always had my back. But in his own way and time. Now at 72, I can honestly say there hasn’t been a time I can remember ever not believing in God and in Jesus, our savior. I can see more clearly now that if we pray in ernest, if we praise him, if we ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and and the listen carefully for the answers, they are there for all of us to follow. So not all testimonies are dramatic. But all testimonies are of value. Live your life as best you can, praise the Father, thank Jesus for your salvation, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through this life and your trials, whatever they are. In Jesus name I pray this for us all.

Bonnie Breton

A humble heart is a perfect beginning when asking forgiveness.

JAnn Evan