Pray for the country

Pray for the world

Yes! The whole world is facing a lot of problems right now, most especially the Covid-19 outbreak. I pray soon, all of this will end! :pray::yellow_heart:

Dear Lord, the world has never gotten together like this before. You creation is groaning. Please see our cries. We are facing an enemy that we cannot see – a virus, and it has taken hundreds of lives and thousands are gripped in fear and uncertainty. Help us, Lord. Heal our land. Send healing, send a cure, Lord. Have mercy

Dear Almighty God, I thank you for all of creation. I thank you from taking energy that was no larger than a mustard seed and creating this ever expanding, beautiful and amazing universe for us to live. I thank you for the Earth, and all its beauty and majesty, and thank you for providing us with the air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat that nourishes us each day. Father Lord I pray for our universe during this difficult time, I ask you to look us with your kind eyes and heal us from this pandemic. Amen