Prayer movement grows after white Christians kneel in repentance before black Christians for racism

Prayer movement grows after white Christians kneel in repentance before black Christians for racism

A multi-racial Houston prayer group called Praytest, started by white Christian rapper Bobby “Tre9” Herring, is now emerging as a movement among Christians nationwide after a video of white Christians kneeling in repentance for racism before a group of black believers went viral.

“The beauty is in 2 Chronicles 7:14, it’s the church humbling themselves, seeking the face of God, turning from our ignoring of black-related systemic issues that have been oppressing them. We’re repenting of that and we’re praying. And God is going to heal our land. We believe that God is gonna heal us through what happened to George Floyd and many others before him. God is going to heal us as a result of us standing up as a church — white, black, brown — together,” Herring said.

We are witness to history unfolding!

There are many things going on around the world these days and after a few years we will look back and say we were part of such momentous times in history.

This public act of humility, of kneeling in front of people (regardless of color or race) to demonstrate repentance and change, is truly what history is made of.

The act of kneeling reminds me when Jesus showed superior humility when he washed the feet of his disciples. It’s beyond comprehension that the God and Creator of all things would stoop down and wash the dirty feet of his followers. Such humility, power, and love exemplified by our Savior, and now was emulated by these white Christians. This is such a noteworthy news.

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Indeed @eestioko! I love how instead of all the hateful words people are throwing against each other, these people are kneeling down in repentance. #Praytest!

All we really need this time is peace and forgiveness…It’s nice to see videos like these… as God’s valuable creation we must unite and live one another even if we came from different races…Let us all spread love, peace and kindness, for that is what God wants us to do…