Prayer request for deliverance from sex works and JEZEBEL,MARINE AND DEMONIC SPIRITS

hello brethren. i great you in Jesus name! i need to shsre with you to join me in prayer that my friend LAKOT

BRENDA can be saved from her evil ways and life to glorify God. She has been tsken by devil and is involved in sex works and sadly her passport is under the man who she is claiming that is her boyfriend . shortly i can say she is under sex slave in florida. i have been praying for her conviction and salvation but she is still hard to tutn her ways to God. help me to pray for her. may God bless you all.

Am to pray to become free. :herb::herb:

If you are been tormented by demonic spirits/demons and need help. I recommend Daily Mercy to you , because I’ve been set free by it. Its the most extensive online deliverance program available. , look for Daily Mercy tab and click schedule a call

I pray for her to be free