Continuing the discussion from About Us:
Wow. I could not find a topic on sexual abuse! Is it this site’s belief that Christians are either 1) not sexual abusers or 2) not sexually abused?
Because if so, I’d like to inform you that you are far too naive for a site like this. I can hear the arguments already “Well, they weren’t really Christians if they raped you.” then you walk away because you’ve neatly settled the matter for yourself.
But when Christians do that, they are not settling anything except how ignorant, intolerant and unfeeling they are. I can forgive ignorance, in which light intolerance usually happens, and that is so for one of the faith or one of no faith at all. It’s the “unfeeling” part that really bugs me.
I have SERIOUS questions that need SERIOUS and thoughtful, prayerful answers, not flippant answers. There will be women and even some men reading this avidly thinking to themselves “finally!”. That is , if the rules do not immediately excuse “Christians” from having to deal with this topic.
I was born to and raised by two Christian parents who became born again in the 1970’s. By that time, I too was being pressured to join. Of course, being the youngest child and the only girl, I hadn’t a chance against them.
Did I love God? Oh, yes, most certainly. Did I pray? Constantly! Every night I soaked my pillow with tears. But God did not stop it. I was sexually abused (including rape which broke my tailbone in 3 places leaving 4 pieces) by my father from at least as young as the age of 7, molested by my mother at odd and completely unexpected times, and then raped by my middle brother. All three of these people not only called themselves Christians, they also went to church 7 NIGHTS A WEEK. They read their Bible, they prayed, they laid hands on people (yuck! to a sexual abuse survivor, this is NOT fun) and they believed and praised God. Same people.
Now, explain to me how I am to “forgive” these people when they set my whole life on a horrible course, and ruined any concept of a loving God for me?
I have often blamed God for putting me in that damnable family.
If the only thing you have to say to me is “Forgive” or “you are lying” or “it couldn’t have been all that bad” or the worst “oh, grow up, get over it” I have no use for you.
God is a VERY serious topic. Perhaps the most serious topic one can ever discuss. Second to it, from the opposite end, is sexual abuse. Another VERY serious topic. Though evil at best, Satanic at worst. Well, there might be worse than Satanic, but I don’t know what it is.
So, to live my lovely Christian life, as far as my Bible says, I must forgive all, I must love my enemy as myself. Well, part of “loving myself” was trying to take my life over half a dozen times. So you can imagine what occasionally goes through my mind when it comes to father, mother and brother.
Can anyone tell me that God might NOT expect me to forgive them?
I understand that I must forgive or I will not be forgiven. I’m no longer some poor little helpless girl. I’m a 57 year old grandmother now. So I’ve had plenty of time to sin my own sins. But I never ever stooped to sexually abusing ANYONE, much less an innocent child and even less than that, my own child! Why would a person even do that?
If you have no experience at all with this, skip commenting. I don’t need more amateur answers. I’ve had plenty of them over the years, trust me. However, if you have comments that include understanding and compassion, I will pay very close attention and hope that someone, somewhere has a reason why God would expect me to forgive this. Other than that He will damn me for both my own sins (which I readily agree are more than enough to damn me) AND for all the sins my family did to me to make me think I was nothing more than a hole to poke.
And last but hardly least, it grieves me to know I am so far from being the only one this has happened to it’s frightening. How are people to believe in God when Christians are silent on this pernicious aspect of the very reality we live?