Seeking forgiveness

Do we only seek forgiveness from God or do we have to go confess our sin to the person we wronged

I was constantly lying to everyone about everything before coming to God since then I’ve had it mostly under wraps. I feel bad about it. I’ve asked god for forgiveness multiple. I don’t think that the people know I was lying to them. I’m afraid it will do more harm than good to both them and me. most of these people I cut out of my life when I came to Christianity because I felt like if I continued the relationship that was built on lies that I would continue lying. I’m constantly thinking about it and it gave me a panic attack today.

I know God has forgiven me because he will forgive you if you come to him about it


hello, friend, I believe that we need to repent first, then ask for God’s forgiveness. God’s grace and love is to help us walk in the right way, and it should not be an excuse to keep doing wrong things.

But i did repent. I think lying is bad since coming to christ and i feel bad about it. Which is the change of mind repentance is referring to