Should we pray anywhere we want?

Should we pray anywhere we want?

Yes, Paul says we should “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.”

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Sure, God is Spirit, you can pray in any places, and He will listen to you.

I think it is up to the different situations. Normally, it is better for us to separate the place for prayer because God is Holy and we show our fear and love toward God. But once we face urgent situation that we have to pray and wherever we can pray.

It is totally up to our hearts, no one can restrict our freedom of religion.

Of course.

And we should pray anywhere because God knows everything, and he is still with us.

Yes. I thing so. The place is not the point. But it’s better to pray in the church.

Yeah, we can pray anywhere, but I think a certain place is better. Because it will be a place you meet with God and the more you pray the Holy Spirit will fill into that place. overtime, you can feel that it is a special place.

Yes, prayer is heart to heart communication can’t influenced by other things.

Yes. In my own way i am praying anywhere i want.
I am praying even though im travelling in a public transportation. Im not hiding my faith with other people. Im Just showing them how my God loves me. While im praying im not praying only for my own intention but also for our safeness of my brothers and sisters.
God is everywhere and Guiding us in our every day life.

Hello, dear @Ruby
Of course you can pray anywhere you want when you want. That’s the magic of it, you don’t need fancy thing to talk and praise the Lord. As he loves us how we are, any way we could be. That’s what real prayer is, sitting meditating and talking to God in a personal way. Of course, church gathering, more longer and formal prayer are alwayas good, as they represent a more formal way of praise to him, and wanting to do that is part of being a good Christian. But God is happy if we just look for him and talk with him.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

Yes. God is everywhere so pray anywhere. But we must need to understand what the meaning of our prayer It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without heart. "Whether we realize it or not, prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst with ours. God thirsts that we may thirst for him.

I understand that the feeling of praying inside the church is different, but yes, you can still pray anywhere and anytime. God is with us wherever we go. He listens to everything we say or think. God’s love for us is immeasurable, He made the connection between us possible every way.

Yes, we should pray anywhere we want to. I also believe that God listens to every word we say no matter where we are. He is not a demanding God. He does not set standards to where we should pray as long as we do it by heart. He already knows what we are going to say even before we utter a word.