Testimonies from LGBT

Beautiful testimonies of Angel Colon and Luis Javier Rui of conversion from Homosexuality
(Pulse nightclub shooting survivors: Move of Holy Spirit ‘being birthed’ among former LGBT persons)


“You promised my mom that [the] baby inside of her womb was special and had a purpose in his life. So tonight I am not leaving here dead, Lord. I am leaving here alive. And when I leave here alive I am going to worship you for the rest of my life.”

“We have learned what true peace is. We have learned what true happiness is. We have learned what true love is in Jesus Christ, that our identity is not in our sexuality but it is in Jesus,” he said.

“The reason that I’m here is because I had a mother and a father that never compromised the Gospel, that prayed and prayed and believed not in my situation but in my destiny,” Ruiz said, receiving cheers from the crowd.

Colon told The Christian Post in an interview following his words Saturday that "God has given us authority and power to rise up against anything else that is not in His will. And that change is possible.

This is a beautiful testimony of 2 Ex-Gay people - Angel Colon and Luis Javier Rui, whose lives were transformed by Holy Spirit’s power. Both of them were survivors of Pulse Club mass shooting.

It is so beautiful reading how God saves people from the deepest traps of sinful lives and transforms them to be the testifiers of his greatness. I am in awe :slight_smile: Do post what you think!

Angel Colon and Luis Javier Rui’s ministry run a ministry named fearless identity. https://fearlessidentity.co/

You might check them out if you are interested or seeking help!

God bless!

“I used to be a lesbian.”

In Gay Girl, Good God, author Jackie Hill Perry shares her own story, offering practical tools that helped her in the process of finding wholeness. Jackie grew up fatherless and experienced gender confusion. She embraced masculinity and homosexuality with every fiber of her being. She knew that Christians had a lot to say about all of the above. But was she supposed to change herself? How was she supposed to stop loving women, when homosexuality felt more natural to her than heterosexuality ever could?

At age nineteen, Jackie came face-to-face with what it meant to be made new. And not in a church, or through contact with Christians. God broke in and turned her heart toward Him right in her own bedroom in light of His gospel.


  1. It’s a story of God. It’s not just a story of an ex-gay girl. It’s more of a story of how God loves a girl.
  2. Jackie’s writing is beautiful and poetic.
  3. The chapter on Adam and Eve’s sin is worth the price of the whole book.
  4. It’s not a book to fly through because every chapter is filled with meat and truth.
  5. You’ll need to read it with a pen in hand so you can underline and write notes like “ouch”, “dang” and “amen”.
  6. This is the book every parent needs to read so they can help their kids know and understand what desire/sin mean to God vs. what the world thinks.
  7. Every pastor/church leader needs to read this book to help reach, teach, love and understand the LGBT folks that come through their front doors. And to teach their straight folks to do the same.
  8. Quotes like this: “What else was I loving that might be the death of me?..There had to be more executioners that I’d made my lover.”
  9. And this: “‘I mean, does God want me that much?’ As grace would have it, He did.”
  10. Jackie says in the intro that this book is a “lifted hand, a glad praise, a necessary hymn, a hallelujah overheard and not kept quiet.” And I join Jackie in that worship and shout, GOD IS GOOD!

Regardless of your views on God, the church, homosexuality or the LGBT community, this is a book you need to read. You will know God better and see Him more clearly.

-Amanda White, Amazon Customer

I loved every bit of this book! I love Jackie’s heart. I love how she shared her struggles and how he says the struggle is still there. I love how she glorifies God and makes Him famous. I love how she paints her story with such detail.
She gave me some great insight in the struggles that people with same sex attraction go through. The struggle of any temptation is difficult and we have to decide is obeying God more important than what I want.
This is a must read for anyone.
As a pastor if a church I loved this book. As a husband to my wife I loved this book.
As a father to my 3 boys I loved this book.
As a fellow human being who struggles with sin and the constant battle, I loved this book.

Jeremiah semmler, Amazon Customer

. . .More Reviews

If you wish to read a short review before you read the book, you may go here →

I have not personally read the book, but found it interesting as many has written good reviews. Though there are some bad reviews, the good reviews out number the bad reviews in large number which implies many were able to connect them selves with the book. Hoping and praying that it will bring health in to your spirit as you turn pages of this book.

In case you have read it or planning to read, do post you reviews and interests below. God bless!

You might want to watch a short video before you begin → Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was And Who God Has Always Been - YouTube

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McCall, 30, is from Franklin Springs, Georgia. He lived and identified as a homosexual man from ages 15 to 27, and as a transgender woman named “Scarlet” from ages 27 to 29.

Just when I would hear this man’s words I would just feel a conviction from the Holy Spirit that my life in homosexuality — I was very promiscuous, I’d even prostituted my body — the Holy Spirit was showing me that there was so much more for me.

I just felt something there. It wasn’t so much because it was a church building, it was just the gathering of the church members there, you know. I just felt the presence of God. It just kept drawing me back to Him. I did grow up in church. But when I was living as Scarlet I was not going to go to a church building. I knew a lot about how church people can be sometimes.

I had one night where I had been out partying, and I came home and started crying on my bed in March of 2016. And that was the night I said “Lord, I know people really live for you. Not just go to church on Sunday, but they really live for you. They have a relationship with you.”

And I said, through tears: “God, will I ever have a relationship with you?”

And all of a sudden my thoughts in my mind and everything was just interrupted. And I heard the Lord say: “Yes, you will live for me.”

It’s about following the Holy Spirit. And as I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, I changed. My ideas of who I was changed. The Lord showed me that He created me as Jeffrey McCall and He showed me how much He loved me specifically as Jeffrey.

When I look at the power of God in these people’s lives, I feel strongly that there is surely hope for any who cries out to God and seek him earnestly wanting God in their lives.

Its interesting, people always find some reason to get away from God. They do not find a reason to get closer to God.

The biggest sin of humanity is man suppressing the truth by his wickedness (Romans 1: 21,22). Wickedness is deeply rooted in man. But no matter how a man lives in denial of God, definitely God cannot be denied.

May God use this man greatly to bring many to Christ.

It certainly sounds like she has true salvation. The concept that we ALL come to Jesus’ cross because we are all sinners in need of saving. That includes those caught in a lifestyle of homosexuality (or promiscuity, or adultery, or fornication, and none of these are solely issues for those who identify as LGBTQ, they are issues of the fallen human race) but for their salvation first!
The sanctification of a truly saved repentant sinner brings with it fruits. And for this young lady the fruit in her life is her heterosexual marriage and children.

She does make the point in the video that one does not come to Christ for freedom from LGBTQ but for forgiveness of sins, just like everyone else.