I’m an ex drug addict, criminal, hustler, womanizer, fighter, liar, manipulator, player, drug dealer, thief, and worldly confused individual. My name is Bobby Thompson. Im not who I was before. Im a born again child of the Most High God!! Annointed, Chosen, Set Apart and called to represent the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I teach Christians the Truth of Gods Word. I’m a mouthpiece for the Lord Jesus Christ. I will not compromise, play any games or waste time with this mission from on High. I know that in and of myself I am Nothing. I need God for every breath I take and every move I make.I have Christ Living in me and I’m burning with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Therefore I’m different. This earth is not my home. I know that and I declare it Boldly. I’m strong in prayer, praying in Power and in the Spirit. I will preach, teach, deliver, evangelize, prophesy, baptize and build up groups of believers as God allows. HE IS working through me as I’m surrendered to His service as an instrument of righteousness. And if you know me or get to know me you realize that I take no credit for this but God gets ALL the GLORY. In Christ I live and to Heaven I will rise…
Amazing, Thank God!