That science is nothing more, than man uncovering Gods; laws, and principles, governing all of creation

So many are trying to fit there bibles, into the current days, and often very flawed science of whatever Era one is in, the enemy never rests. As someone coming from the scientific field; I long ago learned. That science is nothing more, than man uncovering Gods; laws, and principles, governing all of creation. Stick to your bibles, they are perfectly accurate, and science will eventually catch up, as it continues to do; time and time again~
(His Humble Helpmeet)

Todd McAdams

Man has always went against the Almighty Creator Yahuah! Man loves being man and believes self is godliness!.

Peggy Harris Kies

Yes thing will be is when man figures out that the biblical earth is correct and what we have been taught it incorrect

Gavin Miller

I hope you won’t mind if I add this: The Bible needs to be read as a whole. Unfortunately, I cringe when I read posts like this one, because people very often study the same Bible passages over and over while almost never reading other parts of the Bib… See more

Laura Kay Mohr