The 10 commandments turned in 2 commandment and turned into 1 commandment

The 10 commandments turned in 2 commandment and turned into 1 commandment. Question:What is the 1 commandment? Who has the wisdom.

Gabreil N. Denz

You all came close. Thanks for trying and letting me in as I preach it daily. In the NT they asked Jesus for the most important commandment. Jesus answered that we love God first and then our neighbors as ourselves as all the writings, teachings and prophets hang on these 2 love commandments. In other words, Jesus summarized the 10 Commandments into 2 Commandments by extrapolating and proving their sources and roots. Raphael Wyngaardt Rap Val Waldeck Val Pauline Hammond Glenn Osher Martin Boffa

Mark Alcock

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself! On this hangs the law and tge prophets!

Barbara Childers

I don’t know what in the world you’re talking about the 10 commandments are still the 10 Commandments

Junior Bailey

Love the lord your god with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind Love your neighbors as yourself

Mary Smith

Galatians 5:14

Glen Soriano

The Ten Comandments did not “turn” into 2 and then 1. The 8 comandments fall under the two. They didn’t go away.

Patrick Strickler

The 10 commandments never went away. They were never replaced. They will live forever.

David Ley