The Bible is basically answering one question. We can call it a Divine Dilemma: If God is just, and loving, and Good, He cannot forgive you. A problem is presented: God is Holy, yet He has fellowship with a sinful people. How can God maintain His justice and not offend His holiness while at the same time pardoning the sinner? The answer is in the gospel of Jesus Christ God decrees and condemns ALL of mankind in His righteousness. But then God becomes a man in His Son. And that Son lived a perfect life that we could not live, and that’s extremely important. Not just so that He could die, but for another reason. He lived a perfect life in the power of the Holy Spirit, though He was the fullness of God revealed bodily. On that cross, He carried our sin, and in carrying our sin, the just wrath of God fell upon the Son until it emptied itself and was satisfied. Then Christ died and rose again. And the question is how can God be just and the justifier of the wicked. And the answer is this: Because God Himself absorbed the justice due us. That God Himself, in the form of His Son, died in the place of sinners. Yes, He punishes sin in a most severe manner. But he punished that sin in Himself, in His Son. Is God love? Yes. He took our place How can God give a promise of salvation to Adam and Eve? How can a just God do that? How can God save Noah? Noah should have died in the flood, he was a sinner How can God call Abraham a friend? Abraham committed sin How could He call David a son? He committed murder, or conspired for murder, and adultery. The answer is found in calvary. Where 2,000 years ago, the Son of God died under the justice they deserved. And He rose again from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God and He reigns supreme over everything even today, even 2020 and 2021. He reigns over all of it. And one day He will return and judge the living and the dead and the only thing that matters on that day is faith in Christ. No matter what good a man does, the only way to heaven is through faith in Christ. Christ is the only hero in the story of redemption. Not us, only Christ Paul Washer, some parts paraphrased Homeschool Summit~ Teaching Your Children About God Through The Gospel