The God behind You is Stronger than the Enemy in Front of You

Reflection from Nina Laird-Fusilli

As I am becoming more acquainted with God’s love, I find myself also increasing in confidence. In the past, I always saw myself as someone who was just mediocre. Now the more time I spend in relationship with Jesus, the more I realize just who I am through Him.(Psalms 8:4-6)
Knowing who we are in God can make the difference between just getting by and soaring to great heights! Realization of God’s desires for our lives can change our whole perspective. Our attitude determines our altitude!
Many people in the Bible got a revelation of who they were in God and by doing so it changed the course of their lives and history too.
David, through walking close with God, conquered the giant, Goliath. Though he was just a young boy, his faith in God was bigger then all the soldiers of Israel. With one shot from a simple sling, he subdued and killed the mighty giant. It was not by David’s might or power but by God’s Spirit (connected with David’s faith), which slew the Philistine.
In reading I Samuel, you will discover God had been preparing David for this battle all along. In I Samuel 17: 37 David states, “The Lord Who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out the hand of this Philistine.”
Through walking in obedience to God and remaining faithful, David was fulfilling the plan God had for his life.
As you study Abraham, Moses, Noah, Joseph, and others, you begin to see the pattern in their obedience to God and ascending to great heights.
God has wonderful plans for us, if we choose to follow His plan for us.

Hello @Natalia…welcome back and thank you for posting this, as this so timely… All of us encounter a lot of trials each day, but one thing is for sure…God is in control of the trials…So if at times we experience discouragements and upsets, remember that he may be getting ready to work for his glory upon you…coz every trial God sends, are meant to test us and grow us stronger…

Hello @Natalia Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? When God is on your side, you are more than conqueror because all the enemy needs to see is to see God rising up in your support. Psalm 68:1-3.If God is behind us the enemies will run.

Indeed! Your struggles is NOTHING compared to the Lord God’s power. I have experienced it myself. I thought my life will forever be dark, sad, and just lonely. But no, God saved me from all of that. God saved me when I thought I couldn’t even save my own self.