The greatest trick of the Devil

Topic: The greatest trick of the Devil
It’s often said that the greatest trick the Devil has ever played was convincing the world that he didn’t exist.
I say that the greatest and most elaborate trick the Devil has ever played was and is convincing the world that the spiritual realm does not exist. That there is no God, no angels, no devils, and no afterlife. We’re indoctrinated by the public fool system that it is crazy to talk about the spiritual realm. We’re attacked by the corporate/business system that religion is for quacks. That government have the moral authority and duty to decide what is good or bad for us. That the commandments of politicians are greater than the Commandments of God. That men in seat of power are the gods of this secular world and everyone else are subject slaves.
It’s sad to say but the vast majority of Christians have been conditioned to believe in this trick of the Devil.

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