The KJV says the foolish virgins did not take any oil with them. … The NASB says they did not take any “extra” oil

The KJV says the foolish virgins did not take any oil with them. … The NASB says they did not take any “extra” oil.
The NASB is typically considered by scholars to be the more accurate word for word of the two, but when I look this verse up in the interlinear, it never says “extra”.
I know they wouldnt have just decided to throw that in there for no reason. IS there anyone who knows Greek enough to know why the NASB added the “extra” to the verse? Was it wrong for that or right?
PLEASE… I am not just looking for opinions and I dont agree with KJV Only purists, so I am asking you not to turn this into that debate. I just some information on what is correct to Greek. This is one case where I can literally claim it is all Greek to me. lol

Kenneth J. Schonmeier

Proper translation is important so it’s good that you look into that.I don’t agree with adding words to the text, even if done for “clarity”.… See more

Vickie Lynn

The whole meaning to this is to just prepare yourself at all times. Don’t just assume you’ll be fine with whatever but try to stay ready. Keep your eye on the prize so to speak. God is coming back for a prepared people, try to look at like this.

Devin Zachary Gahm

If you read the text carefully, all of the virgins had oil in their lamps. The wise virgins took an extra vessel of oil with them in case the oil in their lamps run out. The foolish virgins did not do this, and they had no more oil to replenish their l… See more

Michael Sizer