The Man in Seat 2D: A Devotional

Be rich in good deeds, and [be] generous and willing to share.
1 Timothy 6:18

Kelsey navigated the narrow airplane aisle with her eleven-month-old daughter, Lucy, and Lucy’s oxygen machine. They were traveling to seek treatment for her baby’s chronic lung disease. Shortly after settling into their shared seat, a flight attendant approached Kelsey, saying a passenger in first class wanted to switch seats with her. With tears of gratitude streaming down her face, Kelsey made her way back up the aisle to the more spacious seat, while the benevolent stranger made his way toward hers.

Kelsey’s benefactor embodied the kind of generosity Paul encourages in his letter to Timothy. Paul told Timothy to instruct those in his care with the command to “do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share” (1 Timothy 6:18). It’s tempting, Paul says, to become arrogant and put our hope in the riches of this world. Instead, he suggests that we focus on living a life of generosity and service to others, becoming “rich” in good deeds, like the man from seat 2D on Kelsey’s flight.

Whether we find ourselves with plenty or in want, we all can experience the richness of living generously by being willing to share what we have with others. When we do, Paul says we will “take hold of the life that is truly life” (v. 19).

By: Kirsten Holmberg

Reflect & Pray
Who has been “generous and willing to share” with you? With whom can you share generously today?

God, please give me a generous spirit as I renew my hope in You.

This is a reminder for all of us to humble ourselves down and give to those in need. “What we have, we have to share.” A simple act of kindness can mean the world to other people! Treat your fellowmen the way you want to be treated. And as you treat them, think about God. How will God feel? If I steal money from a person, how will God feel? If I choose to do good deeds, how would God feel? Such a simple thing but can make a huge difference.

I am a silent giver dear @kianna hehe… when I help and share our blessings to other people, I do remain unknown to them…but sometimes people post or tagged us in social media but I do not add it in our timeline…so far we have extended help in small ways to our neighbors and front liners in our hometown…and I thank the Lord for the opportunity to be a blessing to others as he entrust us to be the steward of the money he owned…

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That is very beautiful, @MakkaPakka! God bless you and the Lord God for sure is very happy about it and of course, those people whom you helped. :blush: :yellow_heart:

Thanks dear @kianna…it better to give than to receive as the famous quote says…I honestly do have charity groups before when I am still single…when I got married, I am not that active in my charity groups as we have lots of priority as a couple…but we see to it to spare something to help our immediate family…

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True, as we advance to a new level in life, the expenses also rises up. It is because of people like you why I remain hopeful even though there are so many problems in the world. :yellow_heart:

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