The most beautiful picture

Collecting the most beautiful pictures in the world

My God … if you saw me as a dry member, wet me with your grace oil
A living branch has fixed you in you, O true vine


Lord as we go through crisis today please help us heal mother earth. More innocent people have died with the pandemic. I want to seek for your help and give us a beautiful picture in the future. I’m asking for forgiveness for what humans had caused by disturbing our nature. In jesus name Amen.

I just found this picture somewhere in Google and post it here. It shows a painting wherein how God saved the world for all of us mankind.

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Today I had a moment of desesperation, I felt fear… But I saw this picture and really my heart got full of happiness and relief. See it my friends:

I felt several things, one is that by being Christians de decide to go walking by the side of the Jesus, this obviously requires we do some things, but then a little detail on the picture, at a moment the footprints of the persons end and Jesus starts to carry him/her. I interpret this in two ways, but the way that made me feel happy today was the following: when we feel down or not enough Jesus will be there to carry us, he will always be there for and be exactly what we need. That’s the bliss of walking by his side.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero

Hello there Sir @Luis_Ruiz…the picture clearly tells as a message that no matter what the situation might occur, Jesus is always there to lift us up, give us his hand, and lean on to his shoulders. That is how loving oir Lodd is. Have a happy blessed Sunday to you and the rest of the fam.:blush: