The Prince of Peace

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Why do we worry when we have such a great Savior? In my life I have experienced His grace, mercy, love, compassion, kindness, peace, joy, and so much more. One thing is for sure, when all hell is busting loose around me, that He doesn’t leave my side. He stands beside me and shelters me from the storm. Anxiety, fear, shame, hatred, envy, strife, jealousy are no match for Him. He is the Prince of Peace. He is my Savior and Lord. Whatever you are facing, know that He is there. Call on His name. The Prince of Peace loves you and will take you where He has been. So go into HIs peace and find the rest that you need. He is the Prince of Peace.

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Yes! Jesus, he is our only peace and a great savior. I need His grace, mercy, love, compassion, kindness, peace, and joy every day. Thank you for sharing it!