The Samaritan Woman at the well. What can we learn from the encounter she had with Jesus?

批注 2020-08-28 202306

Karen Orem This conversation is the longest recorded by Jesus in the Bible. Why would that be? The woman was a sinner in many ways, and Jesus reached out to her. What an amazing lesson for us all. Jesus changes us. If He can forgive us, if He can forgive the woman at the well, He will forgive you. The next step, forgive others as He has forgiven us. May this message bring people to confess and repent in the name of Jesus.

Johan Wessels He calls even the most unlikely people to be His witnesses. Because of her testimony, many turned to Christ. That’s why He told His disciples that the harvest is ready, but needs labourers.

Laureen Bryan Fullum Jesus broke racial ground there. A Samaritan was a mixed person. Part jewish and whatever else. Jewish people did not associate with anyone who wasnt jewish. Men also never talked to women like her in public. So Jesus conversation with her was ground breaking in more ways than none. It doesnt matter your color or gender, Jesus salvation shows no partiality