The tragedy of the century is that Protestants have accepted this as progress and actually believe it

I challenge the idea that we are advanced. I know the majority of modern educators, newpaper writers, TV personalities, radio reporters, politicians and all the rest do not agree with me. Nevertheless, I challenge the idea that we are any further advanced than they were in the days of Jesus. If we are so advanced, then I want to ask some questions. Why do we kill thousands of human beings each year with automobiles? Because we ride automobiles instead of donkeys, we are advanced? If we are so advanced in our day, why are the penitentiaries packed full and the mental hospitals crowded? If we are so advanced, why is the whole world a powder keg? If we are so advanced, how is it that we have weapons that can annihilate the world? If we are so advanced, why is it that people cannot walk alone in the parks anymore? Why is it that workers who get out at midnight never walk home alone anymore? Why is it in this advanced age that drugs, violence, abortion and divorce are soaring? There is a mind-set that thinks every motion is progress. Every time you move you are progressing. Then there is the mid-set that thinks whenever you move in a straight line you are going forward, forgetting that you can move in a straight line and be going backward. The tragedy of the century is that Protestants have accepted this as progress and actually believe it. . . .
A. W. Tozer Sermon: Change: Regress or Progress

No Greater Love

Technological advancements!! The devil still travels to and fro devouring everyone he can! Biblically the Word had to travel throughout the world that Jesus is the Savior, now we’re in the end days and man still has the hate and jealousy that Cain had for Able.

Rod Massey

It depends on what you mean by advanced. Morally yes, we’re still sinners. Absolutely. Technologically, absolutely yes we are more advanced.Socially, largely if not mostly yes. Ask most women today whether they’d rather live in Bible times or today. Ask union workers or most other employees if they’d rather live in Bible times or today.Ask most ethnic minorities if they’d rather live in Jim Crow times or today. Or anyone who’s actually had a fair trial and been exonerated if they’d have fared better under imperial Roman law than in today’s court system.Yes there are problems, including targeting certain populations to fill up prisons. And many other problems. We’re still all sinners. But overall we’d be wise to follow scripture’s admonition:Ecclesiastes 7:10Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise.That said, yes things have gotten bad or worse in some important ways.

Robert Ash

Well spoken. Thats probably why he was here.

Frank French