Then is the advice to “forgive and not forget” really the best advice to be following?

I see a lot of people saying “forgive, but not forget”. If it is God’s character to “forget our sins as far as the east is from the west”, and it is our goal to reflect God’s character, then is the advice to “forgive and not forget” really the best advice to be following?

Jason Barbee

…forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass AGAINST us…*You will be sinned against verbally, physically, mentally & emotionally. When the Lord fills you with His love, you can be compassionate towards your foes. Remember that veng… See more

Joseph Sliwa

This is a very true statement. Unfortunately we are human and God understands that. Our memories will always remain bit forgiving is letting go of the wrong done to you and allowing your spirit to be free of it.

Michelle T Almand

We are called to be Christ-like, but we do not have the attributes of God. We can forgive although sometimes we have to forgive everyday. But in this life it is impossible to actually forget the wrongs that have been done to us, but we shouldn’t dwell on them.

Larry Howe