There are so many questions I don’t understand why people didn’t ask Jesus when he was here

There are so many questions we have. There are so many questions I would want to ask Jesus if I could. There are so many questions I don’t understand why people didn’t ask Jesus when he was here. I mean it just seems while they had the chance they would’ve asked him some real serious questions. It would’ve cleared up much of the confusion and fighting today if they had just asked some basic questions but they didn’t ask anything good at all

Dan Sullivan

i feel a human mind overthinks and those thoughts and questions come because of fear of the future or of the unknown and we tend to rely in our own understanding…and we still question a lot of things in the bible even though there is an answer to … See more

Lloyd Tailor

John 21:25[25]Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.

Ashley Moore

Interesting topic; what questions would you have asked?

James Greer

JESUS CHRIST Rose Again and JESUS CHRIST is calling unto us Today this means you can also communicate to JESUS CHRIST… Just ask JESUS CHRIST whatever u want HE is the Answer

Codinah Disnah