There Is No Division In Christ!

ALL Denominations Divide The Church of Jesus Christ- There Is No Division In Christ!
Come Out of Denominationalism!

Julie Paler

The reason why there are so many denominations is because people don’t want to BELIEVE TRUST FOLLOW and OBEY the BIBLE GOD’S HOLY WORD only. They want to follow some BIBLE and some of their own traditions and ideas.

Darryn Marsden

There is no division, but there are differences of opinion about MANY things so there is and always will be denominations and independent minded christians. This is a functional way to deal with the sin and confusion that is our natural state. No one k… See more

Joseph Berk

Find a Bible believing, Bible teaching, Bible preaching church with a prepared Pastor who rightly divides God’s Word comparing scripture with scripture.

Kim Guerra LaManna