“There is no such thing as Comfortable Christianity. You will experience tribulation”
What you mean? People are living things that are just not healthy …it’s not seasons anymore but it’s been tooooo long … it’s affecting our health …
Kenneth J. Schonmeier I’m not going into wrath…The Tribulation which is 7 total years the midpoint being the abomination of desolation…the last 3.5 called The Great Tribulation The Time Of Jacob’s Trouble
I saw the end and I am taken up right when a giant earthquake starts. I am experiencing extreme tribulation now. Just have to feel bad and pray for those who are not… Not good.
Shawn Barnicle A secular mind would see that as the purpose of religion. The purpose of christianity is to worship the one true God who created everything and who loved us enough to send His Son to take our punishment so that we could be saved if we repent of our sins and trust in Him. It’s not a comfort thing. It’s a grace thing.
I will send you the comforter. You will have peace beyond understanding.Even though you go through trials and tribulations I will be there with you.
Don’t you believe God comforts his own, even while they go through tribulation,knowing, this will soon pass too?