Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27
Hello @FaithinGod its true nothing is too hard for Him. When we are afraid of the troubles that swirl around us, keep our eyes on Jesus’ power rather than our own inadequacies. Call out to Him for help, and He will rescue you from the stormy seas. We have to pray with our eyes on God ~ not on the difficulties.
Good Day @FaithinGod Yeah thats true.
Or i can say also that nothing is impossible with our God.
Just the trust the lord everything lift your hearts with Him.
There are many things in life that our God will test us how big are faith with Him.
but one thing is for sure he is doing his best to make our life easier everyday.
God bless us all!
When we look at the world with all of its trials, troubles, tribulations, and heartaches; we sometimes asks: God why is this happening? And then here comes the realization that God specializes in things that seem impossible for us to understand. God may not solve your problem today the way you want Him to, but there’s no problem too hard for God to solve for you…
There will be times we won’t understand God and what He’s doing. We will get tired of of thinking because we cant figure out His ways. It’s okay to have questions and doubts but we will come better if we just trust Him. He has all the answers to our whys and hows.
This day, this month and this year are all temporary, just like tomorrow, next week, next month and next year will be. The only difference is the mindset that we take forward with us. It’s okay to ask many questions, be puzzled by too many emotions, and feel lost but the best thing we can do is pray and trust in God.
Yes, @Jean. In fact if you read the entire chapter of Jeremiah 32, you’d be surprised that it actually talks about God allowing his nation Israel to be conquered by Babylon and suffer under foreign powers. It would seem Jeremiah is saying, “God can do everything and so he can punish you, make you suffer, and then mend your suffering to show you how much he really cares.”
This makes me take a look at what’s going on in the world today – the virus, the violence, the hopelessness. Could this be our “Babylon”? Could this be a way for us to see how powerful our God truly is? Perhaps
When we are facing our giants in life, we always have a feeling that it would be impossible to overcome it. When we look pass our trials and hardships often times we see ourselves loosing the battle. But through this passage God is telling us that nothing is too big and too hard for our God. What we think is impossible, God looks at it as simple and only a prayer away. What a God we have, we should rejoice and be glad because He assures us that He is our Lord.
Indeed! Our Lord God’s power is unlike any other! With Him, anything is possible, He will leave you speechless and in awe. The miracles by Him are something men cannot comprehend. He heals the sick and saves those people whom others think can no longer be saved.