There is so much going on in my mind lately about all that is going on in our country and world

There is so much going on in my mind lately about all that is going on in our country and world. This illustration by Andy Stanley really spoke to me this morning. He asked the question… what do you notice about Daniel in this picture? Answer was… he is NOT looking at the lions!! He is looking to his God!! With everything going on in our world today I think too many of us are spending our time looking at the lions instead of looking to our GOD. (Painting by Artist Briton Rivière, Title - Daniel’s Answer to the King. 1890)

Tim Tidwell

Thank you for sharing this!

Robbie Parris

Yes Daniel in the Lions Den. It speaks volumes to me…Amen

Margaret Gidgup

The Lord tells us Don’t be Afraid, but the world teachs the world to be Afraid. It’s a Choice.

Ricky Cantu

What a good perceptual illustration! Truly trusting GOD!

Ben De Castro

Very important to know

Adri Oosthuizen

What an amazing insight!

Bonnie Breton