It’s easy to love God when you get to know Him. But it’s hard to love yourself. Its impossible to love yourself without God. It’s also impossible to love others when you don’t love yourself. I see these fulfilling commandments as a measure of love. You can’t truly love God if you don’t love others, because not loving others signifies an untrust in God, and in the same way, your ability to love others is limited by how much you love yourself. Without self love, you’ll never truly love other people. Therefore, boundaries have to be set. You have to be brave enough to hold yourself in a position worthy of integrity. Otherwise, your damaged and storing up unforgivness for those those you “love.” Unforgivness turns into anger. It’s corruptive. Love God, and love others as you love yourself. Not love yourself as you love others. Love others AS YOU love YOURSELF. It’s a commandment of the natural order for love. Not a commandment for works. Love starts with God, and when you begin to love God your able to love yourself because in Him you learn to let go of all of the trauma, you learn to trust Him with all of the junk. There’s no longer any excuse to not love you, because you are transformed into the image of God, and it’s a very intense process. Therefore, loving others- it starts with you trusting God, and ultimately the result is finding a love and appreciation for who you are in God. There’s no commandment greater than these. When you start the process of loving you, you learn how lengthy that process was, and love for others begins to fall into place. Your no longer walking around worried about your own emotions because God provides for you. And now your able to see the pain that hinders their ability to truly love, and the hindering even binds their ability to be fully receptive of love. Its a pain that is rooted in a separation from God. The 10 commandments ended at the cross. These are the two greatest commandments in all of the bible. So loving God, and loving others as you love yourself, fulfills ALL the law and ALL the prophets. - BY GOD, LOVE YOURSELF.
Am looking forward to reading your replies to those who ask for help not like those very “wise” ones who reply with arrogance.