Underestimating Ourselves: A Devotional

Samuel said, “Although you were once small in your own eyes, did you not become the head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord anointed you king over Israel.”

1 Samuel 15:17

The young man became his team’s captain. The professional sports squad was now led by a mild-mannered kid who barely needed to shave. His first press conference was underwhelming. He kept deferring to the coach and to his teammates, and mumbled clichés about just trying to do his job. The team performed poorly that season, and by the end of it the young captain had been traded. He didn’t grasp that he’d been entrusted with the authority to lead, or maybe he never believed he could.

Due to his failures, Saul was “small in [his] own eyes” (1 Samuel 15:17)—which is a funny thing to say about a guy who’s described as being tall. He was literally head and shoulders above the rest (9:2). And yet that wasn’t how he saw himself. In fact, his actions in the chapter show him trying to win the approval of the people. He hadn’t fully grasped that God—not people—had chosen him and given him a mission.

But Saul’s mistake is a picture of every human being’s failure: we can miss that we were made in God’s image to reflect His rule, and end up misusing our authority—spreading destruction in the world. To undo this, we need to return to God: to let the Father define us by His love, to let Him fill us with the Spirit, and to let Jesus send us out into the world.

By: Glenn Packiam

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Do not underestimate yourself. You are a child of the Lord God and you were born for a purpose. God has given you talents to share to the world, to inspire others and make a difference in their lives. You are more than you think.

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Yes @kianna There are days when I feel like I need to do everything at the same time. I can’t help but put myself too much pressure, trying to balance my career, my social life, my personal life, and add more life I could put in. This makes me anxious especially when I feel like I’m not being productive or I’m not finishing anything. I feel like I am not enough, not fit for the role and I’m just gonna let people down because of me. But thank you for this, it reminds me to relax and to trust in Him. That I don’t need to stress myself, I just need to do my best and let God do the rest. :slight_smile:

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Most of the time I underestimate myself like “I will not do this because I know I can’t make it, I will not pursue it because I am afraid to fail” etc…but the truth is I only lack courage and I procrastinate…thank you for posting this dear @kianna…I should start trusting my capabilities more and be calm for God is with me every single day…

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Hello, @Jean! Yep, I feel you. I just want to tell you that you are doing amazing at what you are doing and just relax. Sometimes we all get pressured by the things life or society throws at us. I pray you are doing well and do not stress yourself! :blush: :blush: Tale care of your mental and physical health. Work hard but relax your mind and heart when needed. God bless you!

You are very welcome, @MakkaPakka! Yeah, we are all capable of something amazing. We are children of God! He gave us all the wonderful abilities and talents for us to use and share in the world. God bless you!

Awww really appreciate that @kianna it has been a while since somebody told me that. hehe. I am always independent but I know there will be days when I’m going to feel like I am not making the right choices in life. But there will also be nights when I am still left with a choice to hold myself together before I sleep, to take care of myself. To trust God in everything and hope for the best.

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I feel you, @Jean! You are such an inspiration, God bless you!

True. Thank you, @kianna!
I have always been insecure about many things that I try to be like other people but I realized that God gave me my own life for a reason. He gave me this life because I am different from other people and I have my own mission to fulfill. I always repeat this to myself, “Don’t be insecure about what other people achieve. If they can do it, so can you.” This has been one of the few things I keep in mind whenever I get lost in my thoughts.
God knows what we are capable of and He knows that we can do anything. Let us continue reaching our goals and becoming the best version of ourselves every single day.


Don’t be insecure about what other people achieve. If they can do it, so can you.
Yes, exactly, we are all capable of millions of things in this world! God bless you!

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