Verse for July 8th

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Matthew 6:6

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@kianna Only God who sees our hearts. HE is our King and Most High
He is also our closest friend. It is nice that we could give an exclusivity when we are talking to God. Let God ONLY knows the pain, heartaches the weary and sorrows.
As Jiah Khan says “A certain air of exclusivity is always good. And let me add Good and Showers of blessings since God promise it.

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God knows what our hearts desires the most. He hears us even before we ask. He knows everything inside us and He sees every single thing we’re going through. Those moments of silence that we deeply connect with God and we feel truly being loved by Him. Those dark moments of our lives where we feel God’s warm embrace, telling us that we are not alone and He will never leave us. Keep believing and keep walking in faith with Him. Someday, we will get the rewards He prepared for us.

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Indeed, God hears our sorrows. God listens to our hearts and helps us in every way. :heart:

Very true!! Even if we fail to find the right words to explain how we feel, He already knows and understands. :heart: Our Lord God is so amazing, and we are beyond blessed having Him as our Lord and Savior.