Victory is imminent when Jesus directs our steps

Reflection from Nina Laird-Fusilli

Do not let the enemy lasso your rainbows!

All of us have aspirations and dreams. Many people have both short and long term goals.
We have all experienced “hope deferred” in seeing some of these visions come to fruition.
The Bible says in Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.”

I have decided to make 2020 the year of Hope!
Let us believe in our God and His ability to help us achieve our goals, with confident expectation.
Continual prayer and speaking life over our circumstances will be an asset to our arsenal.
We will arrive at the finish line with the Lord as our navigator.
He will strengthen us and uphold us with His powerful hand.
Victory is imminent when Jesus directs our steps.
Don’t give up on your dream.

Say this with me. “God is not done with me yet!”

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“God is not done with me yet!” AMEEEEEN! I can sense the conviction, it’s contagious. I agree, it may look like we are far from victory that God has set in our hearts but He is still at work, He is not done yet. God is with us along the way. The year may be almost over but the fruitful life with God goes on.

Yes indeed! God make straight paths for your feet in whatever you do take time to learn who you are in Christ. Get completely focused on Him and who He has made you to be. Continue to develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, and look to God’s Word to walk in His ways in all you do. You will be on the right path, the straight path God has for you.