Was Jesus born perfect or made perfect after going through suffering as written in Hebrews?

Was Jesus born perfect or made perfect after going through suffering as written in Hebrews? (2:10)
interested in your thoughts on this.

Maxwell Allen

Jesus was born perfect untouched by human, born of a virgin. He was the Son of God, the word became flesh. But He was obedient to his earthly parents until the time came for Him to start His ministry. Amazing testimony is His life, He could have behave… See more

Gloria Joseph

WE are made perfect through HIS suffering. Jesus was, is, and will ALWAYS be perfect.

Jessica Lee Rozell

The Scripture need to be coupled with another, to be understood, or for it to make sense. We first need to understand that development stems perfection. Jesus is a role he came to assume. He had not done it before. In his role he had to be born and bro… See more

Masimini Pilson

I think Jesus had to relearn obedience through suffering so we had an example and shown that it is possible. Imo anyway

Matthew Adam Gerrard

Jesus Christ was the perfect born Son of God.as He Grew thru His life we did not sin He lived a perfect sinless life.He kept Himself perfect without sin so He alone could be the Sacrifice for all our sins.Even tho He was temped like we all He walked th… See more

Brenda Lee