WBFN "Knowing How"

“I know How”
I felt so alone in the darkness
It seemed so hopeless and long
The night that took me by surprise
The night without a song
My mind unleashed such terror
The thoughts and fears were there
Surrounded by ‘what if’s’ and the ‘could be’s’
I anguished and laid my soul bare
He stood beside me, unhindered
by my battle so fierce and so strong
His Hand touched me with His power
He said “I’ve been here all along”
I lifted my eyes to behold Him
In the night when I could not see
But His Presence overpowered my darkness
His strong peace was His Light for me!
He reminded me of other such nights
When I gave Him all that was dear
My life, my family so precious
Exchanging His love for my fear
He said, "Do you think I am poor
In keeping the gifts given to Me?
Your greatest treasures on earth
Now rest in a Hand you can not see
My Hand now holds all you value
You gave me what you aren’t to hold
Will you trust Me to be a good steward
To take care of the sheep in My fold?
You’ll never be ashamed or disappointed
When you deposit your life in Me
I know how to take care of your loved ones
And all things in your darkness - I see.
1/1/09 by Jeannine Wight
"For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations."
Psalm 100:5

"God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a
sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”

** put together by Monica**
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